Spouse/Guest Policy




If your spouse/significant other is traveling to the conference with you, we encourage you to register him/her. A registered spouse/guest can participate in any conference program, business or social. This includes breakfast and coffee breaks in the Exhibit Hall, as well as the lunches on Thursday and Friday and Saturday brunch. Guests are invited to attend Wednesday’s opening reception and Friday night’s closing event.

Those who are not registered will not be permitted to enter/attend any of the conference programs/events, including meals or have access to the Exhibit Hall.

A spouse/guest is defined as a family member or significant other whose primary purpose in attending the conference is to accompany the registrant and generally would not be eligible for Society membership. A co-worker or associate within the industry does not qualify for a spouse/guest registration and should complete an individual registration. 


The Society has had childcare at previous conferences and may continue to offer this if there is sufficient interest. If you have children age 6 months to 12 years, and plan to bring them to the conference and would like to enroll them in a childcare program, please advise the Society as soon as possible or by May 4.

Let us know how many children you would bring, their ages, and if you want childcare for most of the day during business sessions, or for evenings only. Email Ophelia King at oking@societycorpgov.org with your request so we can determine available options.